There had been many such incidents in the past, providing relief to foreign travellers during difficult situations. Tsunami and COVID pandemic had been the most disastrous calamities that we faced during the recent past. Local people had gone through a difficult time during both occasions. So is the foreign tourists, who were staying on the island at that time. But fortunately, none of the foreigners was neglected during the difficult period by the local people. The foreign tourists were taken care of by the local made sure they are safe as long as they are in Sri Lanka.

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9-tägige Sri Lanka reise sind bei den touristen sehr beliebt. Die reise kann man als eine Gruppenreisen (Busreise) und private rundreise (Autoreise) buchen. Die in diesem Artikel vorgestellte 9-tägige Sri Lanka private rundreise umfasst Unterkünfte in einheimischer Hand, einen eigenen Fahrer/Führer und ein eigenes Auto sowie eine große Vielfalt an Aktivitäten, Orten und Sehenswürdigkeiten”.

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