The psychological aspect of Holidays
The psychological aspect of Holidays
Work, it has been said, should consist in doing what we like doing, whilst in our leisure, we should be prepared to fit in with other people and do what they want us to do. In real life it often goes the other way, for a large proportion of our time may be taken up by work we do not like and find unsatisfying. Our work can be incomplete in the sense that we are remote from the end product, feeling as mere cogs in some massive production or administration set-up.
Soul-less repetition and dull routine, however well paid, cannot provide pleasure and satisfaction in the work we do. We then have to use our leisure to compensate for it. That is to say, we do what we like doing in our leisure time. We gain our utmost satisfaction from leisure when it is used creatively to develop a sense of worthwhileness and fulfilment which may be lacking in our work.
The purpose of the holiday is to re-charge our human battery so as to renew our energy and zest for life. A holiday is not all that important when you like your work gain satisfaction from it, though, of course, it may be necessary for health reasons. Doing without a holiday can, therefore, be a false economy.
A holiday requires planning. To begin with, you need to decide what kind of holiday you want. Naturally, we have to try to fit in with others, but if you know you need a quiet relaxing fortnight, whilst family or friends are itching for the something else, it is wise, to be honest about it. For example, we can allow ourselves to be pressured into a heavy mileage of car-driving on roads unfamiliar to us. If you are tired before you start this is dangerous as well as foolish.
Exerting pressure on people to do what they genuinely do not want to do, and may not really be fit enough to do, results in a disappointing holiday with, perhaps, bad feeling all rounds. Sometimes, it is best to go one’s own way. On the other hand, where a family is concerned, we have to be fair. Often, with understanding and goodwill, it is possible to compromise so that everybody is pleased with the plan.
The most exhausting holiday is the go-go-do-do type in which we try to see it all and do everything in a brief limited period. This situation of keep-up-and-stay-with-it-and-don’t-miss-anything intensifies nervous instead of reducing it, thus making it impossible to relax.
It is more satisfying as well as better from the health standpoint to do less rather than more, even should this imply returning for a second visit. Incidentally, this is the way you really do know places and their people. When planning a holiday take three factors into account: change and contrast; balance; and interest.
The Importance of holidays for your mind and body
It is not really much of holiday if you end up doing more or less the same as you do in ordinary life. Obvious, the type of holiday you want will depend on your personal tendencies and inclinations. For example, you may be an extroverted person who enjoys the company and social gatherings.
All the same, you do not have to decide on what is practically a duplication of what you do at home. Take a little trouble to find out and you will discover that in various parts of your country, just as much as on the region, festivities and gatherings take place with people coming together for exciting programs.
Your holidays should be a break from the ordinary routine, a change and contrast, and not a replica of what you do in the evening and at weekends. We say we need a change. This is not achieved, merely by shifting ourselves from one place to another and then proceeding exactly as before. A holiday should be made as different as possible. Thus, when you study those glossy brochures, look out for what is happening, and what you can see and do because it is as important as the rest of it.