Sri Lanka receives the safe travels stamp from WTTC

Sri Lanka as a leading holiday destination, which is highly concerned about the safety of its visitors, has adopted the safety protocols introduced by the WTTC without any delay at the very initial stage of its introduction. Due to the successful campaign against COVID-19 pandemic and adopting safety protocols, Sri Lanka has been awarded the Safe Travels stamp for safety protocols from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). According to the experts, the WTTC safe travel for Sri Lanka helps the country to stand out from the crowd as safe holiday destination in the region.

Internationally recognized, “Travels stamp for safety protocols”, is a certification launched by the WTTC, in order to recognize the safe holiday destinations around the world in the backdrop of COVID-19 pandemic. It is highly trustworthy and provides a valuable opportunity for world travellers to find out safe holiday destinations to travel.

All hotels and tourist attractions have implemented the safety protocol introduced by the medical authorities of Sri Lanka.

These protocols were established through the experience of the council’s members in tackling the pandemic and also taking into consideration the guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Sri Lanka has absorbed standardized health and hygiene protocols, introduced by the WTTC, in order to make sure the future travellers of Sri Lanka will be safe on their Sri Lanka trips. Sri Lanka and Grenada are the 2 newest countries that received the safety travel stamp.

Sri Lanka election

Sri Lankan government has been able to conduct a free and fair election at the beginning of August in order to elect the parliament member for a term of 5 years. The ruling party had been able to seal their power by winning the highest ever number of parliament seats won by any political party so far on the island. The Rajapaksa’s government had been able to win the election with 2/3 majority. According to the experts, the successful campaign against COVID-19 had been an important reason for the overwhelming success of the ruling party and their landslide victory.

Reopening of Colombo airport

The Government of Sri Lanka had initially planned to re-open the airport from 1st August 2020, however, it was indefinitely delayed due to the ongoing repatriation program. According to the confirmed sources, it would be delayed until the end of August or first week of September.

In the backdrop of most nations around the world are suffering from coronavirus, Sri Lankan has been able to minimize the damage caused to the people and the economy of Sri Lanka. The travel restriction came in to force from 17th March 2020 and it was gradually removed from May 2020.

By July 2020 the country is fully functional and economy bounced back to pre-COVID-19 level. The island nation was fully functional as usual except the quarantine centres introduced to the travellers, who arrive from foreign countries.

Sri Lankan government restarted the repatriation program to bringdown the citizens of Sri Lanka working in foreign countries. Around 50,000 citizens have registered with repatriation program so far.

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